There’s a big difference between good taxidermy and great taxidermy. there’s also a category of taxidermy that’s not so good, and then there’s a level that makes you say, “Why would anyone do that with their deer!” The following photos are dedicated to that category. Some of them are really not so bad, and in fact kinda creative, but others are downright disgusting. Here goes, but be forewarned, you can’t unsee them once you look!
Okay let’s start with one that’s only mildly creepy. This buck is mouthing, and tongueing a cob of corn. Doesn’t look like he’s trying to eat it, and I can’t go any farther than that. This is actually just kinda weird, until you see the closeup below. Ummm… NO!Who comes up with an idea like this one and why?Okay gotta admit this is pretty strange but actually kinda cool if you have a place for it. But where is he going to land?Just plain messed up. First of all you need a guy with a buck who wants to do this with his mount, then you need a taxidermist who is willing to do it, then you end up with this. Not for me.At first you might think this is just the north end of a southbound deer, but it’s even more disturbing than that. Yes this was actually for sale. Can’t imagine your little girl not loving her new dollhouse!In keeping with the “things that shouldn’t be put into a deer mount” theme, this one’s just as messed up.Some people will find this amusing, and some may really like it. Take my advice, put this in your man cave not in a part of the house your wife frequents.I get what they’re trying to do here, but blood on a mount is never a good thing. At least there’s no blood, but who wants to mount a buck shown licking itself? I think in general, most people do not want to see a tongue when they see a deer mount. What a way to ruin a fantastic buck!Okay I’ll leave you with this one so the sight of those others will be put aside and allow you to sleep tonight. Really not a bad idea for a mount and might actually work in the right environment. A little bizarre, yes, but not necessarily in a bad way.
Lou Von Esh on June 30, 2020 at 7:58 pm
The deer mounts for the most part were terrible. No respect for the kill.
Maybe some of the mounts were shot while the deer was licking or eating corn or whatever. I like to mount my deer the wY he was when I shot him…it. looking left or right or whatever.
What do you mean no respect for the kill! I bet they ate the deer… so they can do what ever they want with the leftovers. Hell, I might just have my head stuffed and mounted when I pass, and have it for my tomb stone.
A deer mount can show anything it wants to because it belongs to the person that took the deer ! They can do whatever they want. That’s like saying white ice creme has to be vanilla and brown has to be chocolate. Its just ice creme ! You can make it taste like anything you want. Its yours…Lol !
Licking without the “wound” DOES show off the antlers to good effect but the “blood” (not the tongue) ruins it. I L OVE the one leaping over the railing. More dynamic and realistic than most full body mounts I have seen. So he lands on the sofa? You can buy a new one if you just got THAT buck.
It’s someone else’s deer ! lol ! Who are we to judge. Its only ruined and weird if you took the deer and you don’t like it. Its fairly funny but all these photos have been floating around the internet for years now so beginning to get a little old now.. just sayin ..
The one eating corn is an award winning mount, that’s creative, unique taxidermy. I have the same opinion of the bucks licking themselves, personally I don’t care for it for showing off antlers. I love the jumping buck. Many of the others are just bizarre.
I actually liked the one withe the buck eating corn, it was a really creative idea, although the deer with the houses inside were maybe a little too creative.
The deer mounts for the most part were terrible. No respect for the kill.
Who asked
Maybe some of the mounts were shot while the deer was licking or eating corn or whatever. I like to mount my deer the wY he was when I shot him…it. looking left or right or whatever.
What do you mean no respect for the kill! I bet they ate the deer… so they can do what ever they want with the leftovers. Hell, I might just have my head stuffed and mounted when I pass, and have it for my tomb stone.
Deer mounts are too show respect for the animal not disgrace them.
A deer mount can show anything it wants to because it belongs to the person that took the deer ! They can do whatever they want. That’s like saying white ice creme has to be vanilla and brown has to be chocolate. Its just ice creme ! You can make it taste like anything you want. Its yours…Lol !
You can’t be a hunter. Nobody who has a love for hunting and respects the animal would , could, think like this. You are not part of us.
Who are you talking to when you say “You?”
I don’t know, a couple of them are fairly creative. In the right setting, I could could see a couple of them actually being pretty cool.
I’m thinking the taxidermist need to go back to school.
Licking without the “wound” DOES show off the antlers to good effect but the “blood” (not the tongue) ruins it. I L OVE the one leaping over the railing. More dynamic and realistic than most full body mounts I have seen. So he lands on the sofa? You can buy a new one if you just got THAT buck.
It’s someone else’s deer ! lol ! Who are we to judge. Its only ruined and weird if you took the deer and you don’t like it. Its fairly funny but all these photos have been floating around the internet for years now so beginning to get a little old now.. just sayin ..
I love America, if it makes you happy I’m all for it.
The one eating corn is an award winning mount, that’s creative, unique taxidermy. I have the same opinion of the bucks licking themselves, personally I don’t care for it for showing off antlers. I love the jumping buck. Many of the others are just bizarre.
I actually liked the one withe the buck eating corn, it was a really creative idea, although the deer with the houses inside were maybe a little too creative.
these are awesome mounts, I always like it when there is a little added to the mount! The one eating corn was great!