How to Get Fast Action on the Bear Baits
In some areas, you have a short time to get your baits working. Here are some strategies for firing them up fast and keeping the bears coming. By Bernie Barringer Here in Minnesota, the date you can bait bears is the Friday two weeks before opening day. Through the…

Do These 5 Things this summer to help you shoot a buck this fall
You can increase your chances of shooting a nice buck this fall by doing some preliminary work in the summer. By Bernie Barringer Like most deer hunters, I think about whitetails year ‘round, but most of my preparation activity is done just before the season opens and…

Bear Hunters and their Questionable Judgment
The darkness had settled over the Canadian wilderness. Light rain began to fall. We were following the blood trail of a bear I had just shot. It was my first time ever hunting bears. What did I know about tracking a bear in the dark? Wait, what did I know about bears…

Take a Whitetail Hunting Road Trip
Ever have a hankering to see new country and hunt deer where the big ones live? Heed this advice to fill your thirst for a DIY public land adventure. By Bernie Barringer Imagine it’s the 1990’s and you’re sitting in front of your TV in North Carolina, Michigan or…

2021 Spring Subscriber drawing underway
We’re giving away a custom built Mathews V3 and you could be the one customizing and owning it! A Mathews V3 bow could be yours and all you have to do is enter the drawing!You will customize the bow yourself!ENTER HERE1) Choose right or left handed2) Choose…
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