‘Twas the night before bow season, when all through the house;
Not a hunter was sleeping, not even their spouse.
Anticipation is building for the morning hunt;
The only thing that would make it better is to wake up to a cold front.
You’ve practiced all summer with your recurve, compound, or crossbow;
In hopes that a big buck would show up tomorrow.
Post-season scouting revealed those big buck beds;
And maybe you even got lucky and scored his sheds.
You rise from the bed before the sound of your alarm;
In hopes that the wind is blowing perfectly on your favorite farm.
A quick scent-free shower and you’re ready to roll
But not before you give FaceBook a quick scroll.
Today’s weather forecast should give you a hint;
And help you lay out the perfect blueprint.
You dash out the door and into the truck;
But not before your wife whispers “Good luck!”
Don’t forget all of your gear as you race out the door;
Because opening day has finally arrived once more!
You hurry to the truck while the sky is still dark;
And your favorite podcast is playing before you’re out of park.
The voice of Mark Kenyon helps set the mood;
And before you know it, your drive is about to conclude.
Don’t slam the door when you exit the truck;
The last thing you want to do is scare off that big buck!
Slide on your boots and grab your gear;
Because the morning sun grows near.
Access routes are the key if you want to succeed;
Don’t forget to check the wind with your trusty milkweed.
Sneak quietly through the woods toward your destination;
Go slow, stay calm, and show respect for God’s great creation.
Slip into the blind or climb up a tree;
Either way, you’ve never felt more free!
The morning sun is only moments away;
But don’t forget to stop and pray!
And as you ponder upon what opening day has in store;
Don’t forget to say thank you for the opportunity to hunt once more!
Happy hunting to all, and to all a good season!
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