Written by: James House

For about 115 years, the .30-06 Springfield has been the favorite caliber for many hunters and target shooters. In more recent years, the .308 Winchester and several other calibers have achieved great popularity. Growing up as I did I read all the gun literature that I could find (or afford) and one of the magazines that I read most was Outdoor Life. The shooting editor for that
magazine was none other than Jack O’Connor, perhaps the most famous gun writer of all time.

Although he wrote about numerous topics and calibers, for many years O’Connor’s writing dealt heavily with the .270 Winchester. Introduced in 1925, the .270 Winchester might be considered to be an “old” cartridge, but with a working pressure as high as 65,000 psi the .270 can be loaded to drive a 130-grain bullet over 3000 ft/sec or a 150-grain bullet about 2900 ft/sec.
Such ballistics means that the .270 shoots flat and hits hard. Certainly, the boar that I shot in Tennessee and other animals have responded appropriately. When I was growing up in the middle of nowhere, there was a furniture store in the nearby small town. At one time, the front window of the store displayed a large grizzly that was taken in Alaska by a prominent citizen.
The rifle he used, a Winchester Model 70, and a cartridge, a .270 Winchester, were also on display. Thus began my affection for the rifle and cartridge.

My .270 Winchester is a Model 770 Winchester, a sort of economy grade Model 70, with which I am celebrating a 50 th Anniversary this year. The Model 770, produced from 1969 to 1971, was a “post ’64 Model 70” so it is a push feed model that has a blind magazine. Thus, it is sort of the Winchester equivalent of the Remington 700 ADL. I have never had a problem with
cartridge feeding, firing, or extraction with the rifle, and it gives very good accuracy for a factory rifle.

The factory stock on my Winchester 770 has good proportions and pressed checkering. However, it is not an elegant stock by any means. To celebrate my 50-year relationship with the rifle, it has been fitted with a Boyds Platinum stock of Claro XX walnut with fleur de lis checkering and black grip, and fore-end caps. The performance of my Model 770 has always been quite good and now with the Boyds stock that rifle could vie for the title of Safe Queen with many of today’s much more expensive models.

The Boyds Platinum stock converted this Winchester 770 into a classic sporter.

Current ammunition listings (note that with the current ammunition situation as it is, I did not say availability) in .270 Winchester caliber include loads from every major and many smaller producers. Virtually all list a 130-grain load having a muzzle velocity of 3060 ft/sec with corresponding energy of approximately 2700 ft-lbs. Bullets styles vary from traditional soft points to a polymer-tipped lead-free version from Swift that is described as having a muzzle velocity of 3151 ft/sec and an energy of 2867 ft-lbs. Swift also lists a load utilizing a 150 Swift A-Frame bullet with a muzzle velocity of 2986 ft/sec and an energy of 2971 ft-lbs. Browning produces a load that utilizes a 140-grain bullet that has a nominal muzzle velocity of 2970 ft/sec giving an energy of 2742 ft lbs.

For those who desire the ultimate performance from a .270 Winchester, Hornady offers two loads in the Superformance ® line. One features a 130-grain SST bullet with a muzzle velocity of 3200 ft/sec and an energy of 2955 ft lbs whereas the other utilizes a 140-grain SST bullet with a muzzle velocity of 3090 ft/sec and an energy of 2968 ft-lbs. These loads wring out
as much capability as can be expected for a .270 rifle. There are simply too many factory loadings for the .270 Winchester to list them all, but those described show the general parameters Although the recoil of a .270 Winchester is not really severe, some shooters may wish to avoid part of the recoil associated with full power loads. Reduced recoil loads are available from
Federal (with a 140-grain bullet having a velocity of 2200 ft/sec and energy of 1560 ft-lbs) and HSM (130-grain bullet with a velocity of 2318 ft/sec and energy of 1537 ft-lbs). Such loads are certainly adequate for use on animals the size of deer as long as the range is kept within reason.

Handloaded ammunition can bring out even more versatility from a .270. For example, bullets are readily available in weights from 90 to 180 grains. In the ‘heavy” category are the 170-grain Berger Elite Hunter, the 175-grain Sierra GameChanger, and the 180-grain Woodleigh. For me, such bullets are not of much interest because I have rifles of larger caliber if I need to prepare to hunt a large animal.

In addition, to use on medium game, it has always been the use of my .270 as a varmint rifle that has interested me. For such work, bullets of light weight are appropriate and there are some excellent choices. My first choice has always been the Sierra 90-grain Varminter hollow point because it gives excellent accuracy in my rifle. Much to my dismay, it appears that the
bullet has recently been discontinued as has the 100 Hornady 100 grain soft point. However, other good choices are the 90-grain Speer TNT and Gold Dot, the Speer 100-grain hollow point, and the 110-grain Hornady V-Max.

When it comes to powders for loading .270 ammunition, I have had very good results with IMR 4064 with lighter bullets and with IMR 4350, Winchester 760, and Alliant Reloder 17 with most bullet weights. In particular, the 90-grain Sierra Varminter gives five-shot groups smaller than one inch with appropriate charges of both IMR4350 and Alliant Power Pro 2000MR. The 100-grain Hornady soft point has shown excellent accuracy when propelled by a suitable charge of Alliant Reloder 17.

Having the Winchester 770, I never felt the need for a different .270 on the basis of performance and now I certainly don’t on the basis of appearance. The rifle has shown good accuracy with factory loads and excellent accuracy with certain hand loads. Although relegated to the safe for considerable periods by a .223 Remington and a .243 Winchester, my hope is now to
load up some special .270 ammunition and go after some large predators with the dressed-up Model 770. The rifle will never be offered for sale or trade, and I hope we can celebrate many more anniversaries.

Written by: James House

Ticks can pose a threat to outdoor enthusiasts, as they are carriers of tick-borne diseases. Knowing how to protect yourself from ticks is crucial for enjoying the great outdoors safely. This comprehensive guide will provide you with effective preventive measures and tips to minimize the risk of tick bites and the potential health complications they may bring.

  1. Understand Tick Habitats and Behavior:
    • Recognize common tick habitats, such as wooded areas, brushy and grassy areas, and leaf litter.
    • Stay on well-defined trails and avoid close contact with tall grasses and brushy areas.
    • Be aware of the tick species prevalent in your region, including the black-legged tick, lone star tick, American dog tick, and western black-legged tick.
  2. Dress Appropriately:
    • Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants to minimize exposed skin.
    • Tuck pants into socks or boots to create a barrier.
    • Opt for light-colored clothing to make ticks more visible.
    • Consider treating clothing with permethrin or using insect repellent containing permethrin.
  3. Use Tick Repellents:
    • Apply an EPA-approved insect repellent to exposed skin, especially on ankles, wrists, and neck.
    • Look for products containing DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, or other recommended ingredients.
    • Follow the instructions on the repellent label for safe and effective use.
  4. Perform Daily Tick Checks:
    • Conduct a full-body tick check after spending time outdoors, paying special attention to hidden areas like the scalp, behind the ears, underarms, belly button, and groin.
    • Use a mirror or ask a family member or friend to help check hard-to-see areas.
    • Examine clothing and gear for any unattached ticks.
  5. Proper Tick Removal:
    • If you find an attached tick, use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp it as close to the skin as possible.
    • Pull upward with steady, even pressure to remove the tick.
    • Avoid twisting or squeezing the tick, as this may increase the risk of infection.
    • Clean the bite area with soap and water, rubbing alcohol, or an iodine scrub.
  6. Environmental Control Measures:
    • Keep your yard well-maintained by mowing the lawn, removing leaf litter, and creating a tick-safe zone.
    • Consider using a tick repellent for your pets and consulting a healthcare provider or a Tricare-authorized provider for preventive measures for your family members.
  7. Recognize Symptoms of Tick-Borne Diseases:
    • Be familiar with common tick-borne illnesses like Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and southern tick-associated rash illness (STARI).
    • Look out for symptoms such as rash, joint pain, fever, fatigue, or flu-like symptoms.
    • If you experience any concerning symptoms, seek medical attention promptly.
  8. Additional Preventive Measures:
    • Use permethrin-treated clothing or insect-repellent-treated gear for added protection.
    • Perform a thorough tick check on pets before they enter your home.
    • Consider using insect shield clothing or applying essential oils that may repel ticks.

Conclusion: Protecting yourself from ticks is the best defense against tick-borne diseases. By implementing these preventive measures, including proper clothing, effective use of repellents, regular tick checks, and environmental control, you can reduce the risk of tick bites and enjoy your outdoor activities with greater peace of mind. Remember to seek medical attention promptly if you experience any concerning symptoms after a tick bite or potential exposure to ticks. Stay safe and enjoy the outdoors responsibly!

Protecting Yourself from Ticks

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