Bring bears to your baits quickly and keep them there
Getting bears to hit your baits is just the first step; keeping them there is another step. Heed this advice to increase your odds of success. By Bernie Barringer I’m convinced the most important factor in shooting a bear over bait for us DIY bear hunters is getting…

7 Critical Tips for DIY Public Land Hunters
By Bernie Barringer My first bowhunting road trip was a complete bust. In my defense, it took place more than 20 years ago, so I didn’t have the advantage of Google Earth, a scouting camera or looking at the weather on my smartphone. I basically went in blind, and my…

Find the Killing Tree
By Bernie Barringer I’d found this spot the previous year but I didn’t hunt it correctly. The location was a narrow stretch of trees connecting two larger woodlots along the banks of a large river. The area surrounding it was a couple hundred acres of tall native…

10 Steps to Success: Bowhunting Public Land Whitetails
by Bernie Barringer A road trip to a new area on a DIY public land hunt can be very intimidating. Consider these ten points that will up your odds of success. The clashing of antlers in the creek bottom set my heart to pounding. I quickly put my binoculars up to my…

Dream Hunt: Cariboo Mountain Black Bears
This was truly an amazing hunt in an amazing place. Spot & Stalk black bear hunting with a bow is a tall challenge. I shot the 43rd bear I saw in 6 days of hunting. By Bernie Barringer What makes a dream trip for a die-hard bear hunter? I suppose a dream trip is…

5 Benefits of Mineral Licks
Supplemental minerals have many benefits to the deer in your area, including some that most hunters are not aware of. By Bernie Barringer These days, it seems that everyone wants bucks with big antlers on their property. The sellers of mineral supplements have fed…

Annual Trail Camera Timeline
Don’t put your scouting cameras away after the season! Here’s a calendar showing where your cameras should be placed throughout the year to help you learn more about the deer and increase your odds of bagging a big one next season. By Bernie Barringer Once thought of…

Top Five DIY Bowhunts
By Bernie Barringer My first bowhunting road trip was in 1993. I was living in Iowa and I travelled to northern Minnesota to bowhunt. Figure that one out. Iowa didn’t even have a nonresident deer season at that time. Today, about 20,000 applicants vie for the 6,000…

Special Panel Scoring: P&Y Names New World Record Non-Typical Whitetail
Chatfield, MN – On Friday, March 1st, the Pope and Young Club convened a Special Panel of Judges in Omaha, Nebraska for a potential P&Y World Record non-typical whitetail. Luke Brewster’s incredible buck was shot in Illinois during the 2018 archery season….

The Four Parts of a Successful DIY Mentality
By Bernie Barringer Hunting away from home presents some unique challenges. When you are hunting in your home area, you have an entire season to bag your buck and fill out your deer tags. But on a DIY road trip, you are hunting under a deadline; you have a limited…

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