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Which states have made successful elk restoration efforts in your lifetime?

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Camron Stover
Posts: 134
Member Admin
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Elk were once native to the majority of the county (correct me if I’m wrong) but unfortunately that’s not the case now.  However, during my lifetime, I’ve had the opportunity to witness restoration efforts in my home state of West Virginia and I’m curious to know other states that have had a successful reintroduction of elk? 

Posted : 14/01/2024 12:52 am
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Camron Stover
Posts: 134
Member Admin
Topic starter

West Virginia – Elk were successfully reintroduced on Tombline Wildlife Management Area.  There isn’t an elk hunting season yet and there won’t be anytime soon it seems.  Heck, we can’t even pick up an elk shed as it’s illegal.

Posted : 14/01/2024 12:55 am