‘Twas the night before bow season, when all through the house;

Not a hunter was sleeping, not even their spouse.

Anticipation is building for the morning hunt;

The only thing that would make it better is to wake up to a cold front.

You’ve practiced all summer with your recurve, compound, or crossbow;

In hopes that a big buck would show up tomorrow.

Post-season scouting revealed those big buck beds;

And maybe you even got lucky and scored his sheds.

You rise from the bed before the sound of your alarm;

In hopes that the wind is blowing perfectly on your favorite farm.

A quick scent-free shower and you’re ready to roll

But not before you give FaceBook a quick scroll.

Today’s weather forecast should give you a hint;

And help you lay out the perfect blueprint.

You dash out the door and into the truck;

But not before your wife whispers “Good luck!”

Don’t forget all of your gear as you race out the door;

Because opening day has finally arrived once more!

You hurry to the truck while the sky is still dark;

And your favorite podcast is playing before you’re out of park.

The voice of Mark Kenyon helps set the mood;

And before you know it, your drive is about to conclude.

Don’t slam the door when you exit the truck;

The last thing you want to do is scare off that big buck!

Slide on your boots and grab your gear;

Because the morning sun grows near.

Access routes are the key if you want to succeed;

Don’t forget to check the wind with your trusty milkweed.

Sneak quietly through the woods toward your destination;

Go slow, stay calm, and show respect for God’s great creation.

Slip into the blind or climb up a tree;

Either way, you’ve never felt more free!

The morning sun is only moments away;

But don’t forget to stop and pray!

And as you ponder upon what opening day has in store;

Don’t forget to say thank you for the opportunity to hunt once more!

Happy hunting to all, and to all a good season!

How do you define hunting when you’re trying to explain the concept to someone who doesn’t partake in it?

When you look in Webster’s Dictionary, hunting is defined as the act of pursuing game for food or sport.  The definition of hunting sounds simple enough, yet we often struggle to find the words that define what hunting truly means to us.  We understand the feeling that it gives us, the adrenaline rush and respect for God’s creation.  Most days we are just happy to be outdoors and are grateful to have the opportunity to take part in it.

Oftentimes, I hear hunting being called a sport, hobby, pastime, or even a way of life.  But what is hunting really?

Is hunting a sport?  Well, let’s check Webster’s Dictionary and define exactly what a sport is.  According to the dictionary, a sport is a physical activity engaged in for pleasure.  This would certainly fit the definition of hunting for some.  Hunting gives me pleasure and provides a sense of release from the outside world and a way to connect with the wildlife around me.  When you think of hunting as a sport, you probably think of practicing with your equipment and training your bodies to scale tall mountains or climb tall trees in search of wild game.  So hunting could be a sport.

Is hunting a hobby?  How does Webster define a hobby?  A hobby is a pursuit outside one’s regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation.  Ok, I can see how this could fit the mold.  We spend our hard-earned money on expensive gear pursuing game each fall and we hope to have success in the field also.  All of the work that we put in during the off-season brings us to the opening day of the season and we find ourselves perched in a treestand as the sunrises, thanking God for all that he’s blessed us with.  Hunting could be defined as a hobby.  But when we turn on our TVs we see people hunting as their occupation and as a result, they make money in advertising certain products or for companies.  For some of us, hunting could be a hobby.  So could sewing too.

Is hunting a pastime?  Back to Webster’s, we go.  A pastime is an activity that you enjoy doing during your free time.  Wow, isn’t that a broad definition that involves multiple activities?  I could think of a million things that fit the definition of a pastime but defining hunting by such a broad definition doesn’t seem right to me.  Some people enjoy mowing their lawns during their free time or, if you’re like me, you like to watch UFC fights.  I can’t define hunting as just a pastime.  Hunting means too much to me.

Is hunting a way of life?  I’ll take it from here Webster!  For many of us, hunting isn’t just a pastime that we partake in only a couple of days a year.  For some, it’s a 365-day-a-year process that blends experience, education, ethics, love, and devotion toward one goal, pursuing game.  Whether you enjoy chasing mule deer in the west or you choose to hunt whitetails from a treestand, you have to admit, there’s something magical about the sport of hunting.  The connection you feel with nature isn’t by mistake.  We’ve evolved as a society to a time where the majority of mankind will never be as connected to mother nature as you are when you’re sitting on top of a mountain, as the sun peaks over the horizon, and listening for the first gobble of the morning!  It’s these experiences that encapsulate us into coming back each season and devoting our lives and our free time to perfecting our craft, whether it be with archery equipment or a firearm, we are HUNTERS, we are CONSERVATIONISTS!

However you define hunting, know this.  Hunting is killing!  Yes, it is the unfortunate side effect of a successful hunt.  Whether you are pursuing deer, bear, or squirrels, the result is still the same if you are successful, you must take one of God’s beautiful creatures from the earth in order to fill your tag.  This is how hunting is defined by a society that doesn’t partake in it.  However, we must find ways to share our hunting experiences with the rest of the world on a positive note and learn to truly define what hunting means to us.

Once we can define hunting for ourselves, only then can we help others connect the benefits of hunting to the act of killing.  When we do this, it will help us recruit new hunters and hopefully convince the anti-hunting community that hunting has its place in our society and is a proven conservation method that we can use to ensure the success of our wildlife for generations to come.


AmmoSquared Inc. is transforming the way gun owners accumulate and manage their ammunition inventory with innovative and convenient online-based storage solutions. The service provides gun owners with the ability to set up automatic ammunition replenishments, ensuring that customers never run out of ammunition. Integral to the process is also secure off-site storage of accumulated ammunition until it is shipped.

Understanding the challenges faced by gun owners in maintaining a consistent supply of ammunition, AmmoSquared offers a seamless and hassle-free solution. The company’s automatic inventory replenishment service allows customers to set up personalized recurring “reloads” based on their preferred caliber, use, and budget. Once established, customers have the option to accumulate ammunition over time and then receive regular shipments of their accumulated ammunition, ensuring they are always prepared for their target shooting, defensive, and hunting needs.

“Our service ensures that gun owners always have ammunition available when they need it”, states AmmoSquared CEO Dan Morton. “During the ammo shortage which started without warning in 2020, customers that had been building up a backup supply of ammunition inventory at AmmoSquared, had it available with the click of a button while everyone else was running around finding empty store shelves. It just makes sense to have a backup supply because you never know what could happen.” 

Managing ammunition inventory can be time-consuming and inconvenient for gun owners. AmmoSquared’s automatic replenishment service eliminates the hassle, ensuring that its customers always have the ammunition they need when they want it. They can literally “set it and forget it”. Ammunition is built up over time and then delivered automatically on the customers’ pre-set schedule. 

In addition to providing a consistent supply of ammunition, AmmoSquared offers secure storage for customers who prefer not to keep all of their ammunition inventory at their homes. Also, by rotating stored ammunition multiple times a year, AmmoSquared guarantees that clients receive high-quality, reliable rounds from major manufacturers.

This unique service offers customers peace of mind, knowing that their ammo supply is consistently up-to-date and readily available when needed. AmmoSquared is also a practical solution for those with storage limitations such as apartment dwellers or RVers, environmental hazards, such as floods or tornadoes, or gun owners living in states with oppressive ammunition regulations.

AmmoSquared’s platform combines convenience, security, and exceptional customer service, making it an ideal choice for gun owners looking to simplify ammunition ownership and management.

About AmmoSquared Inc.:

AmmoSquared started in 2015 to provide gun owners with a way to simplify their ammunition inventory management. Offering a wide variety of caliber options, the company’s platform allows customers to set up customized reloads for automatic inventory acquisition and access secure storage services for their accumulated ammunition inventory. AmmoSquared is dedicated to providing an exceptional experience for gun owners, revolutionizing the way they manage and maintain their ammunition supply.